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10 Questions with the Leadership Team!

Ignite Mentoring

Thinking of applying for the Leadership Team? You have come to the right place! We asked some of our Leadership Team members questions about their role, what is involved, and what they love most about their portfolio! Keep on reading to find out what the Leadership Team is all about!

What is the Leadership Team?

The Leadership Team is made up of 25 volunteers plus the Executive. These teams work closely together to ensure that all aspects of Ignite Mentoring as an organisation run smoothly! Any other questions? Check out the Our Team page!

The Leadership Team consists of Volunteers, Finance, Marketing, Programs, and Operations Team members, plus all of the Executive members:

Now that you know a little bit about the team, let's dive into the questions!

Volunteers Team

What is your favourite event to host and why?

My favourite event to host is Mentor Training Day. This is the first time as coordinators we get to meet our mentor group, get to know them and it marks the beginning of the program! I love seeing new mentors and returning mentors, going through some training, games and definitely buying merch! The Ignite Amazing Race is now a new tradition for our post-training day social. It’s an amazing way to bond within mentor groups in a fun and (very) competitive way.

What made you apply for the Volunteers team?

I applied specifically for the Volunteers Team because mainly I love planning events. The mid and end-of-sem social are two events I love working on because we have the freedom to do whatever we want! Something that I didn’t expect to love is mentor recruitment and travelling to different universities and TAFEs followed by conducting interviews. The Volunteers Team is very hands-on and you truly do get out of it as much as you put in!

Programs Team

What goes into organising an excursion?

The Programs Team does a lot of planning for the excursion. After finalising what school will be attending, we reach out to a wide range of clubs to take part in the excursion where we ask them to plan a couple of engaging activities that are related to their field whether it be sports science, psychology, or music. We then get availabilities from all the mentors and coordinators to help out on the day and take the students around and do the allocations accordingly. We also ensure that we have everything organised for the clubs on the day – whether that be the venues, resources and any other help required.

What other initiatives are you working on?

This semester we’ve also been working on getting accreditation for our handbooks since they have only been written and reviewed by university students as of now – so we began by researching relevant industry professionals in the areas of resilience, careers, and English as a second language both school and university-based. For example, for the careers handbook – I reached out to many career counsellors, policy officers, and other consultancy counsellors and had them review our condensed handbooks, which was then followed with either an in-person or online meeting where they let us know what they perceived the strengths and weaknesses of our handbooks to be.

Marketing Team

What tasks does the Marketing Team do?

The role of the Marketing Team is to promote Ignite! The Marketing Team completes a variety of tasks including running Ignite’s social media (our Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn), creating posters, and updating the Ignite Mentoring website. We also work on getting more mentors and coordinators involved in Ignite through outreach, including posters, flyers, marketing at open days, and also through our website.

What is your favourite thing to create and why?

I absolutely love to make anything on Canva, particularly Instagram posts! We get to really put our creativity into these to make them both aesthetic and informative. I also like working on blog posts to give mentors a greater insight into what we do! It is a lot of fun both designing and writing the blog posts, as well as gathering all the information for it.

Finance Team

What does the Finance Team do?

On the Finance Team, we focus on the acquisition and management of funds for the Ignite Mentoring program. We work in teams to generate proposals and prospectuses for potential sponsors and grants, as well as host fundraising events. These funds go towards the Ignite excursion and classroom resources. No business degree or prior knowledge of finance is necessary to join - all that is required is the right mindset and a willingness to be a part of a dynamic team. The rest you learn along the way!

What finance initiatives do you think are most effective?

Both community grants and corporate sponsorships are pivotal initiatives. Community grants allow us to focus on immediate expenses such as excursions and resource materials, whereas corporate sponsorships facilitate long-term or ‘big picture’ projects that Ignite is working on!

Operations Team

What does the Operations Team do?

The Operations Team helps coordinate with schools and coordinators to get us ready to step into the classroom. From sending through WWCC information to schools, sending class information to coordinators, and assisting in other important jobs. We also have a super important role in driving excursion initiatives and coordinating fun activities like social netball!

What other tasks does the Operations Team handle?

The Careers Fair is one of the most exciting things the Operations Team gets to work on! There’s lots of freedom to make it your own, source exciting contacts from within and outside Ignite, and make the Careers Fair as engaging and meaningful as possible to expose our students to the vast opportunities available to them. We have also been working on increasing our outreach to

prospective volunteers (ie. year 12s) and researching

for outreach opportunities to potential new schools.


Applications close on November 17! For more information, head to the Our Teams page, and look out for info on the Mentor Facebook Group!

Check out some more Q&As in the video below!



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